Helpful Information

Dear Visitor:

As Top 3 manufacturer of road marking machine in China, we are responsible and glad to share a helpful message with you.

There are several companies who call themselves are professional suppliers of road marking machine in China, and their pictures and technical data in their website is same with us. If you meet that, please don’t confuse, because they are our official distributors in China, and we provide all the product information and technical support to them, and they help us to developing the market. When you buy the road marking machine form them, we will provide uniform product and service to you, including erection, commissioning, training, and spare parts so on. So you don’t need worry about it.

So no matter you contact with our distributors, or contact with us directly, we will very glad to welcome you visit China and our factory, so that you could check our product clearly and help you to make a correct decision.