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DAYU Brand Road Marking Equipment Sent to Shanghai

On July 19th, 2013, Zhengzhou Dayu Machinery Co., Ltd delivered one hand push thermoplastic road marking machine DY-HPT and Thermoplastic pain heater DY-VHDP from Zhengzhou dayu factory, which will sent to Shanghai.

As the beginner of the marking project, DY-HPT and DY-VHDP is the essential machine, economical and practical. However it is better with the Hand Push Pre-marker DY-HP. With the above machine, it could mark common flat lines, urban road line, street line, highway line and so on.

DY-HPT Hand-Push Thermoplastic Road Marking Machine Marking Width is 100,150,200,300mm, and thickness is 1.5-2.5mm through adjusting the screeding knife.

DY-VHDP-I/II Vertical Hydraulic Double-cylinder Pre-heater is matched with thermoplastic road marking machine, and used for melting thermoplastic paint. It improves the road marking efficiency.

Any questions please email me with no hesitate:
Or tel neijer 008613513807967 for more details and price.

Following pictures show you more details:

DY-HPT-road-line-marker DY-VHDP-preheater

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