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DY-HPT Thermoplastic Machine Delivered to Philippines

On January 24th, 2013, Zhengzhou Dayu Machinery Co., Ltd. delivered 1 set of DY-HPT hand-push thermoplastic road marking machine (equipped with 100mm marking shoe) abroad from Dayu factory, which will sent to Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.

DY-HPT hand-push thermoplastic road marking machine is used for small scaled road marking constructions, for its smaller floor space, small and flexible body, easier to operate during the marking work.

Normally, in order to keep the continuity of the road marking constructions, DY-HPT equipped with a pre-heater for melting the thermoplastic paints, single cylinder pre-heater or double cylinder pre-heater.

Dayu road marking machines have a great demand in Philippines, and our office have been opened in Philippines for after sales services. If convenient, you can go to the Philippines office directly to ask for help.

Any confused, please email me with no hesitate:

DY-HPT road lines coating machine sent to phillipines

DY-HPT road lines coating machine packed

DY-HPT road lines coating machine shipment

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