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Nigeria Customer Visited Dayu Road Marking Machines and Paint

On October 16th, 2013, one Nigeria customer came to Dayu Company to visit our road marking machine factory.

During this visit, his focus is thermoplastic road marking machines, so self-propelled thermoplastic road marking machine DY-SPT, thermoplastic paint, glass beads and melting machine DY-VHDP interests him most.

He showed us the model of the thermoplastic lines and discussed more details with our engineers about thermoplastic road marking machines, engine, heating mode, line width, paint tank, glass beads system, etc.

Due to the high requirements of his construction project, he also had a detailed understanding about the pre marking machine DY-HP.

This successful visiting, with goodwill and mutual trust, laid a firm foundation for our good cooperation in the future.

Nigeria Customer Visited Dayu Paint Preheater Nigeria Customer Visited Hand-pushed Thermo Machine

Nigeria Customer Visited DAYU Thermo Road Paint

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