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HAL-I,HPT and VHDP-I sent to Pakistan

On 7th March, 2014, Zhengzhou Dayu Machinery Co., Ltd delivered three sets Road Marking Equipments from our factory, which export to Pakistan.

At the beginning, Mr. T did not know very clear which kind of road marking machine he need. He scanned DAYU website and sent an enquiry just want to request a quote for these machines.

After we discussed with Mr. T and we know more detailed requirements of his projects, we recommend him our hot selling road marking equipments:
DY-HPT hand push thermoplastic road marking machine (road marking application machine) + DY-VHDP-I double cylinder pre-heater (paint boiler)

He very satisfied with this standard configuration for road marking.

Meanwhile, he enquired our cold paint road marking machine and finally choose one manual model as follows:
DY-HAL-I hand push cold paint road marking machine

Then we discussed more details about the above three set road marking equipments. And Mr. T said, this is just the beginning of a long term relationship.

Any other confuse, kindly send me email:
Or tel Vicky: 008615890080663

HAL-I,HPT and VHDP-I sent to Pakistan
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