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Foreign Training for DY-STM & DY-VHDP in Vietnam

Upon clients’ request, DAYU MACHINERY sent one engineer to Vietnam on May 4, 2014, for training their technical staff.

The training road marking machines as follows:
DY-STM-II small driving thermoplastic vibrating road marking machine * 1 unit
DY-VHDP-I vertical hydraulic double cylinder paint pre-heater * 1 unit

Once our engineer arrive worksite in Vietnam, he checked the machines’ conditions first, and show the workers correct operations.

And then, under the guidance of our engineer, the workers melt the reflective thermoplastic road paint in DY-VHDP-I (vertical hydraulic double cylinder paint pre-heater); put the melted hot paint into the paint tank of DY-STM-II (small driving thermoplastic vibrating road marking machine) and then start the marking work.

Meanwhile, engineer shared the knowledge of how to use machines: how to change the line type and marking shoe, how to disassembly and assembly and repair spare parts, how to adjust the machine’s pressure, how to clean the machine after finished work, and fault treatment, maintenance and many other matters need attention.

Correct operation and maintenance may increase the service life of the machines.

Following pictures show you more training details.

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