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Tons of Reflective Glass Beads Delivered to Ethiopia

On Dec 15, 2014, 75 tons of dayu brand AASHTO reflective glass beads were delivered to Ethiopia. This shipment used three 20 foot containers.

According to the Ethiopia government policy, all goods delivery to Ethiopia should make the inspection before ship out. We contacted the engineer of CIQ (China Inspection And Quarantine) to make the inspection when we delivery the glass beads on Dec 15. As per their inspect of weight, specification, refractive index and so on, certified our glass beads are match the AASHTO standard. They will give us the inspection certificate soon. We choose the 25kg per bag as package to convenient our customer.

We finished the production of the 75 tons AASHTO glass beads in only five days, and the quick delivery speed was spoke highly by our customer.

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